D-305 - A[cubed], Beachboi, and the JimBo

Saturday, August 13, 2005

The Re-Beginning

Like Azlan would have explained to any of you(with nothing to do) reading this blog, i don't have much time to contribute to this(waste of my time) blog writing.

So i found an alternative way to make those two other whiners happy. Mr. Jimmy, after nagging me numerous times, about not being dedicated enough to this blog, now feels the heat with all the (watever) annual reports he's gotta do.

Yes! Mr. jimmy. U are submerged with work once a year. Im like that EVERY DAY! now u try to find some freeeeeeee time out of your 'supposedly' busy schedule and contribute to this place as well... after all if you've got enough time to read what im saying now, im sure you can drop a few lines. Nah.

To Mr. Azlan Aziz (Managing Director of his own company), Thank you very much for making this blog alive and updating it once in a while out of your busy schedule as a managing director unlike some other people that i wont mention. muahahaha...
(Jimmy, see how good a friend i am. never mentioned ur name...)

coming back to my alternative. Put it this way.. over the last few months with the blog craze coming up, i did indeed get caught up in the chain, and out of curiousity decided to start my own blog.

Result. 1 post. On friendster blogs. thats it. and since i already dont have time to look after ONE blog, imagine TWO blogs now... so i decided, screw the friendster blog and here it is, re-edited from my friendster blog, my very first, one and only, 1st post, titled "The Beginning" and re-edited for the joy and pleasure of Jimmy Lim.

Hope you guys enjoy.

Life's A bitch (The Beginning)

Im sure any of you reading this text at this very moment must have asked yourself at least once in your lives about why is life so unfair? If you didn't, that would mean that you might just be lucky enough to be part of that elite group to whom GOD (or whoever the ONE who decides how life goes) has given everything that one might dream of in life.

For the rest of us, it is an utmost battle for survival while our desires and wants remain mere dreams far way from the reality of life. Yes. We do have to work for a living guys... Sadly. (Yes jimmy, u know i dont have a choice right)

As for the lucky ones (Like jimmy), its about a question of what holidays they're planning next or which sports car they might consider purchasing next summer.

Isn't it an ironic situation that while mother nature, is trying hard to strike a balance between different races and species on the other side of the world, I wonder... where's the balance in our lives? The divide between rich and poor, why are men from mars and women from venus, racial wars (White vs Black - Malay Vs Chinese), Men's various penis sizes or women's different breast size come to think of it...

Why can't life be something pleasant. Something enjoyable. Why do we have to work for 30 years to be able to sit down and relax in the house of our dreams? Many dont even get there.

I ask myself. How do we define Life? (jimmy, why dont u take this as ur topic for your first post!!? ah? ah?)

Life is one of the most complex forms of feelings i would believe... Yeah.. life is a feeling. many would tell you that you only know you're alive when you feel pain. when you suffer. when you love. when you are loved.

Just try this. Hold your breath for as long as you can and when you can't take it anymore, release. Take in a long, slow deep breath to fill in your lungs with oxygen again... Tell me what you feel.

You feel alive, your senses communicating various feelings to your brain, alert and sensitive to every move. Yes, Life is a feeling. And like all feelings, when things are not going right, it makes you sad. It makes your heart ache. And it makes you ask yourself the same question over and over again. Why are you alive?

The answer lies within each and everyone of us.

Life is a journey. An Adventure. Life is a challenge. And if we want to do something about that feeling of being alive, then we gotta work for it. I take for example Steven Spielberg's latest epic, War of the worlds, which says that life is all about mankinds' constant battle for survival. It is the experience that defines who we are and what we will become.

And that same rule applies for each and everyone of us.

So for all of you right now who might be asking yourself again, why you are on this earth, or why is life going so upside down. Remember, take it as a challenge. You fail? Start again.

Losers have no place on this earth. Yeah i know, i sound like a bastard. But Life's a bitch too.


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